I was born 1961 in southeastern Pennsylvania. As a child I was drawn to the rural areas where my mother took me fishing on small trout streams. Some of my earliest memories stem from these excursions with visions of light streaming across meadows and the filtered light of tree lined streambeds.
My interest in photography began at a young age, later pursing studies in photography. I taught myself how to use a large format field camera which brought me to my current home in Maine. After many years behind the camera, something within changed… it was time to explore a new medium. As a result, I have been painting since the mid 1990’s. Over the years my vision evolved, abandoning old ideas and exploring new ones. At the core though, my work has always revolved around a deep relationship with the landscape. Nature is sustaining; where I feel whole, at peace and filled with curiosity.
That same curiosity is the driving force behind my studio practice. My methods and practices feed my passion for the possibilities; the unexpected in the making of a painting. The creative process of making is as engaging and sustaining as my time spent in nature…each feeding the other.
While I have no formal training in painting, I gain insight from such artists as Arthur Dove, Tom Thomson, Per Kirkeby and Elizabeth Cummings, to name a few.